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"I have realized that I can never complete the publication of my complete works and this must therefore remain a task for future generations. Here and there, rather by “hit-and-miss” methods I am compiling my articles lists and typing as much as I can, but I am hindered by my own creativity and prolificity in writing new articles, which of course should not be stopped, since they are works of my “mature, creative phase”. Therefore, not knowing what to do I proceed along these lines and hope that I shall be able to leave behind me a legible trail for others to follow my work..."

                                       Bulu Imam


Bulu Imam

Sanskriti Digital Archive (SDA)


•    Animals In The Rock-Art Of Hazaribagh (Valcamonica) B-284(7)
•    Art Fighting Coal Mining (Resurgence 2010, UK) B-281 (2)
•    Khovar And Sohrai Artforms. B-283(6) (July 2010)
•    The Two Dogs In The Rig Veda. B-280 (17). See B 279(14 & B273 (3)       
•    Threatened Tribal Villages. B-285 (35)
•    Tribal Culture and Oldest Artistic Tradition Of  India In Jharkhand (La Sapienza Rome April 18, 2011)    B 284 (10)
•    Valcamonica Rockart Symposium Paper (2010) (July, 2011)    B 284 (3)
•    Village Art And Rock-Art . B 280 (14)
•    Village Painting and Rockart (Valcamonica Rockart Symposium, Italy) July 2011/ B-284 (12)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Sanskriti Tribal Art Project- Testament. *** B 289 (37)


•    Continuity of the village painting tradition B-280(14) Report to SOAS, London, 2008.
•    Detailed Note on the Ledra. B-273 (13) (Haz. School of Painting) 2004
•    Diwali and Sohrai B-288 (13)
•    Ecology and Culture of Jharkhand. B-264 (5) 2003
•    Evolution of Hazaribagh Folk Painting from pre-historic rock-art  B-178 (1). (source of Bridal Caves) Jan. 1994
•    Forms of the Mother Goddess in Khovar and Sohrai B-261 (6) 2003
•    Fusion Art Project with Italian Artist Tarshito in 2006 B-289 (14).  Published , Bari, Itlay 2014
•    Hazaribagh School of Painting. B-273(14) (Pub. by Sakshya journal Bihar Vishwa Parishad,Patna, 2004)
•    Indigenous School of Art in Sanskriti. B-274 (12)
•    Khovar Painting in Hazaribagh. B 258 (7)
•    Khovar Painting. B-173 (1)
•    Kurmi Art of Hazaribagh. B-259 (1). (Pub. By Tribal Art, Paris, 2005).  
•    Kurmi Sohrai Painting of Bhelwara. B-259 (3)
•    Mother Goddess B-241 (5)
•    Nautangwa Pahar Rockart. B-255 , 2002**
•    On Rockart (Man in India, Vol.83, No. 3 & 4, Dec., 2003)
•    Origin of Brahmi in Khovar. B-235. 1999 (check if typed)
•    Pre-Historic Culture of Jharkhand. B-250 (2) (Publ. Leonardo Theological College, 2001)
•    Pre-historic Culture of Jharkhand. B-258 (2) 2002 (Pub. By KANCHI, Kanchi,2005)
•    School of Indian Tribal Art  B-272 (4) ** 2004
•    Sidpa Rockart. B-239 , 2000 **
•    Agaria Art. B-280 (11)
•    Bhuiya, Munda, Birhor, Santal Art. B-272 (9)
•    Ghatwal Sohrai. B-299 (7). 1999
•    Sohrai and Khovar Kala in Hazaribagh. B-229 (3) Pub. Man in India, 2000)
•    Sohrai –Evolution of the Village Art. B-183. (Bridal Caves, 1995)
•    Sohrai Marriage Room.  B-261 (4), 2003
•    Some thoughts on local Artforms in the Indian village B-265 (4) 2003
•    Some Thoughts on Art forms in Indian Villages B-287 (5) ***
•    Some Thoughts on Rockart  B-253 (3) (Pub. Man In India July-Dec. 2002) 
•    The Art of the Hazaribagh Villages. B-273 (12) (Haz.School of Painting) 2004
•    The Comb. (To be typed) B-241 (6). 2000
•    The House (Diary 56-57)
•    The House Mandala  B-275 (1) 2003  (See No 15/18) (see THE HOUSE , Diary 56-57)
•    The Ledra or Life Blanket.  B-207 (1) 1997(To be typed)  
•    The Marriage Chouk as the House of the Goddess  B-268 (2) 2003 (See No.15/18)
•    The Oldest Meaning of Sohrai – Cattle-catching Wealth  B-211. 1997
•    The Painted Houses of Hazaribagh. B-271 (7). Journal of Volkerkunde Museum, vol.52. Dresden, 2005
•    The Sohrai Horse.B-263 (9)(to be typed) 2003
•    The Tribal Woman in India’s Quest B-209(2) (Publ. in The Eye Magazine Jan 1997)  1996
•    The Various Sohrais (to be typed, in Harvest Icons at “Jammu Sohrai”  in Diary 56)
•    Tribal Art of Hazaribagh. B-259 (2).
•    Tribal Art of North Jharkhand  B-261 (1) (Pub. By Lalit Kala Akademi, 2002) 
•    Tribal Civilization of Jharkhand B-261 (7) (Pub by Man In India ,June 2002)  
•    Tribal Decorativeness and Expression B-279(18), B277(22)
•    Wildlife in North Karanpura Rockart. B-154. (Publ. IGNCA, New Delhi, Conference on Rockart)
•    Women of High Degree. B-272 (5). 2004
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Sanskriti Tribal Art Project- Testament. *** B 289 (37)


•    Bitter Harvest, Tribals, their art and Environment B-272 (8) 2004***
•    Harappan Language is Oraon   B-243 (2)** 2000
•    Jason, Outstanding Oraon Artist  B-264 (7) ** 2003
•    Juliet’s Art  B-277 (11)** 2005
•    Khovar Painting 173 (1)
•    Khovar Painting of Hazaribagh B-258(7)**
•    Note on Khovar and Sohrai Motifs  B-272 (7) 2004 ***
•    Oraon Notes   B-260 (1) ** 2002
•    Oraon Totems  B-238 (3), 2000**
•    Oraons, A Dravidian People  B-253 (2) requires typing ** 2001
•    Philomina’s Art   B-238(2) **  see B-240 (4) ** 2000
•    Pre-Historic Culture of Jharkhand (Pub.Leonard Theological College)B-250 (2) 2001
•    Psychological Evolution  B-272 (6) 2004***
•    Putli, an artistic Phenomenon  (Bridal Caves p.45) 1995***
•    The House Mandala B275(1) RETYPED as B287(2)
•    The Oraon Sohrai  B-274 (4) ** (To be Typed)
•    The Sohrai Horse B263(9) RETYPED B287(1)
•    Tribals, their art and Environment B-272 (8) 2004 ***
•    Women of High Degree  B-272 (5) 2004 ***
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Sanskriti Tribal Art Project- Testament. *** B 289 (37)


•    Cupules   B-229 (1) , 1999*
•    Diwali and Sohrai B-288 (13) ***
•    Ethno-Archaeological findings in South Bihar  B-239 (3)
•    Industrial Economy versus agricultural Culture    B-279 (8)***
•    Notes on goddess Sarasvati in her Protozoic Form  B-271 (4) 2004 ***
•    Sarasvati  B-240 (5)  (Pub. Man in India) 2000***
•    Search for Shiva, The origin and evolution of Tribal Worship B-222 , 1998**
•    Sharing our thoughts from a Tribal Perspective  B-279 (12)**
•    Socio-Ecological Roots of Indian Culture  B-253 (1), 2001***
•    The Altar of the Goddess B-240 (4), 2000*
•    The Intellectual and Spiritula Expression of a Nomadic Tribe- The Birhor B-289 (13) *** Burgos Seminar, Spain
•    The Meaning of the Sacred in Tribal India  B-226 (1), 1998**
•    Tribal India and goddess Sarasvati  B-242 (1) 2000**
•    The Asur Kahani- A Parable for our Times. *** B-290 (18), 2016
•    Fertile Crescent in South Ganga Plain. *** B-290 (46)
•    Catal Hoyuk. *** B-290 (47)
•    Reply to Atelieretno (Valcamonica) on Rockart (Primitive Rockart). *** B289 (23)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Sanskriti Tribal Art Project- Testament. *** B 289 (37)


•    A Common Language   B-233 (1) 1999 ****
•    Earliest Script Found in Hazaribagh Rock Painting B-235(2)**
•    Note on the Easter Island Script  B-169 (1) 1994***
•    Notes on the Indus Pictographs found in Hazaribagh rockart  B-241 (1)  2000 ***
•    Origin of Brahmi Script in Khovar B-235 (2) 1999 ***
•    The Birth of Writing B 140 (3) 1992 needs typing


•    Anthropological Perspective Of Indigenous Peoples     B 272 (1)
•    Pre-Historic and Proto-Historic Culture of India  B-257 (2001)
•    The Asur Kahani- A Parable for our Times. *** B-290 (18), 2016
•    Autochthonous Shiva. *** B-290 (19), 2016
•    Fertile Crescent in South Ganga Plain. *** B-290 (46)
•    Catal Hoyuk. *** B-290 (47)
•    Reply to Atelieretno (Valcamonica) on Rockart (Primitive Rockart). *** B289 (23)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)


•    Anthropological Perspective Of Indigenous Peoples. B-272(1)
•    Tribal Status In India. B-283 (30)
•    The Asur Kahani- A Parable for our Times. *** B-290 (18), 2016
•    Reply to Atelieretno (Valcamonica) on Rockart (Primitive Rockart). *** B289 (23)
•    India- The Cradle of World Civilization. *** B289 (29)
•    A Stolen Generation (Diary 56/57, Nov. 2002) *** B 289 (33)
•    Chai-Champa of the Santals. *** B 289 (37)


•    Tribal Civilization in Jharkhand (Man In India Vol.82,nos 1 & 2,2002). B-261 (7) 2002
•    Some Thoughts on the Culture of the Past  (Man In India Vol.79,1999) B-247 (2)__ 1999**
•    Some Thoughts on Rockart (Man In India, Vol.82, Nos 3 & 4, 2003) B-253(3)**
•    Tribal Art of North Jharkhand  B-261 (1) (Pub. By Lalit Kala Akademi, 2002) 2002 ***
•    On Rockart (Man in India, Vol.83, No. 3 & 4, Dec., 2003)
•    Some Thoughts on Local Art Forms in Villages (Journal of Social Anthropology,.1,No.1, 2004)  B_265 (4) 2003**      
•    Tribal Culture in Jharkhand (Folklore Research Journal, .No12, Dec.2003, Journal of Social Anthropology, New Delhi ,2005), B-269(1), 2004 *** 
•    The Story of Kamli, A Birhor Medicine-Woman (Man In India,Vol.73,No.4,1993) B 280 (8)**
•    Cultural Spatial Concepts Implicit in Tribal Art  & Identity in Hazaribagh (Man In India, Vol.73, No.2, 1993) B-122(2) (1992)** (Note: the above article was published also by INDICA, Indian Historical Research assocn, St.Xaviers College, Mumbai Vol.3, Nos. 1 & 2, 1993, and also in the Newsletter of the Australian Rockart Assocn. Of Australia (AURA) Vol.9 No.2,Nov.1992, Cairns, Australia)
•    Ecological Background of Chotanagpur, Its imbalance and Tribal   Communities, (Man in India, September 1991) B-75 (1990) 1989 ***   
•    Prehistoric Culture of Jharkhand (Leonard Theological College, 2005, Kanchi Journal, Ranchi, 2006)B-258 (2) 2001**
•    Essay on the Culture of the Past (Man In India, 1999)
•    Tribal Culture in Jharkhand, (Folklore Research Journal no12 Dec.2003, Journal of Social Anthropology, New Delhi)
•    Indian National Highways Widening Project B-288 (2) ***
•    Making History of Pre- History- a Historical Perspective of Prehistory through study of Meso-Chalcolithic paintings in Jharkhand B-288 (18) *** Valcamonica Paper
•    The Intellectual and Spiritual Expression of a Nomadic Tribe- The Birhor B-289 (13) *** Burgos Seminar, Spain
•    Fusion Art Project with Italian Artist Tarshito in 2006 B-289 (14) ***  Published , Bari, Itlay 2014
•    THOUGHTS ON INDIA TODAY  (November 2012) B-288 (14). (Published in Jharkhand State News, Ranchi) titled “Growth Based on GDP Endangers Life”
•    THE TRIBAL IN MODERN INDIA  (September 2012) (Published in Polycarp Journals, London,  September 2012) B-288 (5)
•    MODERN INDIAN DEVELOPMENT  (September 2012)(Published in Polycarp Journals, London, September 2012)  B-288 (6)
•    CULTURAL NATIONALISM (September 2012) (Published in Polycarp Journals, London, September 2012) B-288 (7)
•    NEED TO PROTECT THE SOCIAL AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT (Published in Polycarp Journals, London, September 2012) B-288 (8)
•    ORAONS : ORIGINS (see B 253(2) (September 2012) (Published in Jharkhand State News, Ranchi, Sept. 2012  B-288 (9)
•    NEW OPENCAST COAL MINING DESTROYING TIGERLAND (Published in Polycarp Journals, London October 2012)  B 288 (10)
•    Comparative Traditions or Cultural Heritage Between Jharkhand and Sri Lanka. *** B-290 (41)
•    Pre-Historicity of Jain Antiquity in India. *** B-290 (42)
•    Paper for Bharat Soka Gakkai Seminar, Ranchi. *** B-289 (19)
•    Purush and Sikandar. *** B-289 (21)
•    Reply to Atelieretno (Valcamonica) on Rockart (Primitive Rockart). *** B289 (23)
•    Understanding Rockart in Environmental Context and in Relation to Territory (Valcamonica). *** B289 (24)
•    Address on Centenary of Patna High Court on Syed Hasan Imam. (Obituary) April, 2015 *** B289 (26)


•    Connection between North Karanpura Valley and Egypt B-144 , 1993
•    Ethnoarchaeological Findings in Jharkhand B-239 (3 & 4) 2000***
•    Ethnoarchaeology. B-278(9)*** ( 2005)
•    Foundations of Indian religion –A socio-cultural Survey through Rock Paintings. B-234 (3)**
•    Four Essays on the Culture of the Past B-247 (Published in Man in India) 1999***
•    Jharkhand Archaeology Pre-History  B-279 (11), 2007***
•    Making History of Pre- History- a Historical Perspective of Prehistory through study of Meso-Chalcolithic paintings in Jharkhand B-288 (18) *** Valcamonica Paper
•    Making History of Pre- History- a Historical Perspective of Prehistory through study of Meso-Chalcolithic paintings in Jharkhand B-288 (18) *** Valcamonica Paper
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand B274(2)  RETYPED B287(3)
•    Migrations and Autochthones of the Upper Damodar Valley B-271 (8) 2004
•    Munda and Oraon Migrations in Jharkhand and Megaliths B 278 (24) 2007
•    Outline of Pre-History in Hazaribagh (To be typed) B-242 (2), 2000***
•    Proto-Historic and Pre-Historic Culture of India  B-257, 2001***
•    Puja at Thethangi Rockart B-278 (8) 1987**
•    SOAS REPOT on Palaeo-archaeology of Jharkhand and cultural continuity- 2008, B-289 (18)
•    The Asurs in Chotanagpur B-153 (to be typed) 1993 ***
•    Tribal Sources of the Vedas  B-244 , 2000**   
•    Fertile Crescent in South Ganga Plain. *** B-290 (46)
•    Catal Hoyuk. *** B-290 (47)
•    Olmec Stone Heads in Mexico and Bayon Heads in Angkor (From Jain Perspective). *** B-290 (49)
•    Reply to Atelieretno (Valcamonica) on Rockart (Primitive Rockart). *** B289 (23)
•    India- The Cradle of World Civilization. *** B289 (29)



•    Catal Hoyuk And The Village Houses of Jharkhand   B282 (3)
•    Kabrakala – Jharkhand Pre-history. B-279
•    Palaeoarchaeology of Jharkhand (SOAS Report)    ( ?) 
•    Palaeolithic Man in Chotanagpur Plateau. B285-(39)
•    Pre-Historic Culture of Jharkhand. B258 (2)
•    The Indus And Hazaribagh Villages     B-273 (10)
•    Origin of the European Megalithic Yard in the Indus Valley. *** See: Indian Cradle of Civilization. B-289 (29)
•    Demystification of Archaeological Previction in India. *** B-290 (44)
•    Fertile Crescent in South Ganga Plain. *** B-290 (46)
•    Catal Hoyuk. *** B-290 (47)
•    Olmec Stone Heads in Mexico and Bayon Heads in Angkor (From Jain Perspective). *** B-290 (49)
•    Understanding Rockart in Environmental Context and in Relation to Territory (Valcamonica). *** B289 (24)



•    Catal Huyuk And The Village Houses Of Jharkhand. *** B 282 (3)
•    Indus Valley And Its Connections. (See B 283(26, above) *** B 284 (6)    
•    Indo-European Influences On  Alpine Rock-Art. *** B 284 (13)  
•    Plaeolithic Man In Chotanagpur Plateau. ***   B285  (39)                    
•    The Buddha’s Legacy. *** B 268 (3)
•    Kabrakala-On-Sone (Sept. 2010). (see B 284(6) below) ***  B 283 (26)
•    India in the Past. ***  B-290 (21), 2016. 
•    Origin of the European Megalithic Yard in the Indus Valley. *** B-290 (22) See: Indian Cradle of Civilization. B-289 (29)
•    Comparative Traditions or Cultural Heritage Between Jharkhand and Sri Lanka. *** B-290 (41)
•    Pre-Historicity of Jain Antiquity in India. *** B-290 (42)
•    Demystification of Archaeological Previction in India. *** B-290 (44)
•    Fertile Crescent in South Ganga Plain. *** B-290 (46)
•    Catal Hoyuk. *** B-290 (47)
•    Olmec Stone Heads in Mexico and Bayon Heads in Angkor (From Jain Perspective). *** B-290 (49)
•    Reply to Atelieretno (Valcamonica) on Rockart (Primitive Rockart). *** B289 (23)
•    Understanding Rockart in Environmental Context and in Relation to Territory (Valcamonica). *** B289 (24)
•    Origin and Evolution of River Valley Cultures of Central Europe. *** B289 (28)
•    India- The Cradle of World Civilization. *** B289 (29)



•    Birds of Spirit – The Soul after Death  B-279(14) 2008***
•    Ecology and Culture of Jharkhand  B-264 (5) (needs typing)  2003
•    Evolution of Man in the Upper Damodar Valley  B-155 (1) **   1993
•    Forests of the Buddha  B-249 (1)  2001 ***
•    Identification of Indigenous Peoples (World Bank)  B-228 (2) ***
•    Lord Buddha in Hazaribagh  B-232 (1) 1999***
•    Lord Buddha lived among the Kols or Aborigines of Jharkhand B-278 (2) 2005*** see Buddha’s Legacy B-263, Buddha in Hazaribagh B-232
•    Musahars and Saperwas B-289 (8) ***
•    Note on Birhor, Santal, and Other Tribes (Surbhi) B-241(4) 2000** TO BE TYPED
•    Offerings of the Primitive Peoples of the World B-288 (23) **
•    Oraon Songs (Philomena) B-277(18) (2005)***
•    Origins of Indigenous, Tribal and Scheduled Caste Status B-210 (1 & 2) 1997** (Note: See No.1, Anthropological Perspective of Indigenous Peoples B-272(1)
•    Protection, Promotion, Preservation of Tribal Arts B-273(15)*** (Intach Seminar Chhatisgarh, Jagdalpur May 2005)
•    Puja at Thethangi Rockart B-278 (8) **
•    Sanskriti – A Vision  B-212 (1)*** 1997
•    Sanskriti – Culture and Modernism  B-223 (1)   1998
•    Some Thoughts on Art forms in Indian Villages B-287 (5) ***
•    Tana Bhagats B-278 (14) **
•    The Intellectual and Spiritual Expression of a Nomadic Tribe- The Birhor B-289 (13) *** Burgos Seminar, Spain
•    The Oraons B-288 (9) ***
•    The Relationship between Culture and Environment  B-179 (1) 1995
•    The Tribal in Modern India B-288 (5) ***
•    The Tribal in Modern India B-288 (5) ***
•    Tribal Art, Literature, Architecture B-273(15) ***(Intach Seminar Chhatisgarh, Jagdalpur ,May 2005)
•    Tribal Culture versus Civilization   B-201 (1)  1996
•    Tribal Songs of Hazaribagh B-275(7) (2005)***
•    Tribal; Art, Culture and Ethnicity in HazaribaghB-265 (3)**
•    The Asur Kahani- A Parable for our Times. B-290 (18), 2016
•    Autochthonous Shiva. *** B-290 (19), 2016. See: India Cradle of Civilization- B 289 (29)
•    India in the Past. *** B-290 (21), 2016.
•    Comparative Traditions or Cultural Heritage Between Jharkhand and Sri Lanka. *** B-290 (41)
•    Pre-Historicity of Jain Antiquity in India. *** B-290 (42)
•    Fertile Crescent in South Ganga Plain. *** B-290 (46)
•    Catal Hoyuk. *** B-290 (47)
•    Purush and Sikandar. *** B-289 (21)
•    Alternative Vernacular Housing. *** B-289 (25)
•    Origin and Evolution of River Valley Cultures of Central Europe. *** B289 (28)
•    India- The Cradle of World Civilization. *** B289 (29)
•    A Stolen Generation (Diary 56/57, Nov. 2002) *** B289 (33)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Chai-Champa of the Santals. *** B 289 (37)



•    Anthropological Perspective Of Indigenous Peoples. B- 272(1)
•    Tribal Status In India. ***  B-283 (30)
•    Autochthonous Shiva. *** B-290 (19), 2016. See: India Cradle of Civilization- B 289 (29)
•    India in the Past. *** B-290 (21), 2016.
•    Fertile Crescent in South Ganga Plain. *** B-290 (46)
•    Catal Hoyuk. *** B-290 (47)
•    Understanding Rockart in Environmental Context and in Relation to Territory (Valcamonica). *** B289 (24)
•    Alternative Vernacular Housing. *** B-289 (25)
•    India- The Cradle of World Civilization. *** B289 (29)
•    A Stolen Generation (Diary 56/57, Nov. 2002) *** B289 (33)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Chai-Champa of the Santals. *** B 289 (37)


•    Archaeology of Isco  B-264, 2003**
•    Attack on Indian Culture from Within  B-254 (1)**
•    Cultural Nationalism B-288 (7) ***
•    Fusion Art Project with Italian Artist Tarshito in 2006 B-289 (14) ***  Published , Bari, Itlay 2014
•    Identifying Sacred Sites   B-248, 2000 ***
•    Industrial Economy versus Agricultural Culture B-279 (8)***
•    Intangible Heritage   B-279 (19) See B-278 (25), B-279 (15)**
•    Isco – Site of Pre-Historic Civilization  B-266 1992-2004*** 
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand – B-287 (3) ***
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand B274(2)  RETYPED B287(3)
•    Mining Culture B-288 (16) ***
•    Modern India and the Culture of Poverty  B-263 (6)2003 **
•    Need to protect Cultural and Natural Environment B-288 (8) ***
•    Psychological Evolution (also in no.1) B-272(6), 2004***
•    Rockart of Eastern Region including Orissa  B-190, 1995 **
•    The Sacred Grove as a Sacred Site  B-156, 1993 **
•    Wildlife in North Karanpura Rockart  (IGNCA Study Paper) B-154, 1993 **
•    The Green Jade Tazia of Bairam Khan. *** B289 (27)
•    Origin and Evolution of River Valley Cultures of Central Europe. *** B289 (28)
•    Buddha- Jesus in India. *** B289 (32)
•    A Stolen Generation (Diary 56/57, Nov. 2002) *** B289 (33)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Chai-Champa of the Santals. *** B 289 (37)
•    Saraswati- Sacred River. ** B 289 (40)


15. CULTURE  - TRIBAL     

•    Acknowledging The Importance Of Nature In Tribal Culture. B 284(8)
•    Babulal Birhor, A Birhor Medicine-Man. *** B 280 (10)     
•    Birhors. B 283 (15)
•    Christian Missions. B 283 (17)
•    Cultural Resistance (Resurgence ,Uk Nov.2009) B 281 (9)
•    Cultural Seed Banks    (Soas, Uk, 2011) B 282 (6)
•    Kamli Birhorni, A Birhor Medicine- Woman. *** B 280 (8)
•    Oraon Songs (Asian Folklore Congress, Jadavpur Univ., Kolkata Feb. 2010) ***  B 281 (1)
•    Ramgarh Raj And The Birhors. B 283 (14)
•    Sanjhlu And I. *** B 280 (12)
•    Santals. B 283 (16)
•    The Agaria And Asur. *** B 280 (11)      
•    The Buddha’s Legacy ***  B 268 (3)
•    Tribal Culture And Oldest Artistic Tradition Of India In Jharkhand (La Sapienza, Rome, April 18, 2011)***  B 284 (10)
•    Tribal Status In India. B 283 (30)
•    Village Painting And Rock-Art (Valcamonica, Italy, July 2011) ***  B 284 (12)
•    The Asur Kahani- A Parable for our Times. *** B-290 (18), 2016
•    Autochthonous Shiva. *** B-290 (19), 2016. See: India Cradle of Civilization- B 289 (29)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Chai-Champa of the Santals. *** B 289 (37)


•    Attack on Indian Culture from within  B-254 (1)
•    Relationship of Tribals with Trees B-79,1990***
•    Sacred Groves in Jharkhand Diary 33/63 (requires typing)
•    Sacred Trees of India B-271(1) / B-275 (4), 2004***
•    The Sacred Aspect of Trees (in articles diary, first page) **
•    The Sacred Grove as a Sacred Site B-156, 1993***
•    Three Sacred Trees in India  B-271 **
•    Trees as Enemies   B265(6) , Also Diary 63
•    The Environment. ***  B-290 (48)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)


•    A Search for the Lost Tradition  B-278 (7), 2005**
•    Civilization in India  B-277 (9)  2007***
•    Connection between North Karanpura Valley and Egypt   B-144, 1993
•    Damodar Valley Civilization. B-258 (3), 2002 ***
•    Development of Tribals in Jharkhand  B-276 (9)2007***
•    Diwali and Sohrai B-288 (13) ***
•    Ethno-archaeological Findings in Jharkhand  B-287 (4) ***
•    Ethnoarchaeological findings in Jharkhand B-239 (3 & 4) 2000***
•    Evolution of Man in the Upper Damodar Valley  B-155  1993 ***
•    Foundations of Jharkhand Pre-History B-279(11) 2007***
•    Indo-aryan and Mongoloid migrations and contact with Mundaic Tribes in North and Northeast India    B-240(1)2000 ***
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand – B-287 (3) ***
•    Migrations and Autochthones of the Upper Damodar Valley  B-271(8) 2004***
•    Munda and Oraon Migrations in Jharkhand and Megaliths. B-278 (24), 2007 (see B-270(9), B-240(1), B-155(1)
•    Musahars and Saperwas B-289 (8) ***
•    Pre-Historic Culture of Jharkhand.  B-258 (2), 2002 ***
•    South Jharkhand Researches B-278(28) 2007***
•    Summary of North Karanpura Campaign for Goldman Award  B-276 (3) 2005***
•    The Asurs in Chotanagpore (to be typed) B-153, 1993***
•    Tribal Civilization in Jharkhand. B-261 (7) 2002 *** (Man in India, Vol.82No. 1 -2, 2002)
•    Tribal Culture in Jharkhand. B-269 (1)  2002 *** (Folklore Research Journal, No.12,Dec.2003; Journal of Social Anthropology, New Delhi, 2003)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Sanskriti Tribal Art Project- Testament. *** B 289 (37)


•    Coal India. B 284(9)
•    Cycle Coal Carriers. B 284(5) (Jeff Biggers, Huffington Post, USA) 


•    Cause Of Tribal Insurrections In Jharkhand. B 283(31)
•    Hazaribagh, Its Importance In Jharkhand. B 283(25)
•    Highways Widening Tree Cutting. B 284(2)
•    Introduction To Green Hunt. B 282(14)
•    Maoist Notes. B 282 (12)
•    Morals  - i, ii, iii, iv. B 282 (15)
•    N.H.33 Is Such Tree Cutting Necessary. B 283(18)
•    Spread Of Naxalism. B 282 (13)
•    The Adivasis Are The Victims ii. B 282 (12)
•    The Buddha’s Legacy. B 268 (3)
•    Vision For Jharkhand iii. B 282(12)

•    Early Aryans and Contact with Megalith Builders  B- 271 (13) To be typed
•    History of Tribals in Jharkhand  (untyped, Diary 63, 2003)**
•    Indo-Aryan Migrations and contact with Kol and Mongoloid
•    Tribes in Northeast (see no.20)  B-240 (1),  2000 ** See B-270(9), B-155(1),B-278(24)
•    Migrations and Autochthones of the Upper Damodar Valley B-271 (8) 2004***
•    Evolution of Man in the Upper Damodar Valley B-155 1993***
•    Munda and Oraon Migrations in Jharkhand and Megaliths B-278 (24_ 2007
•    Connection between North Karanpura Valley and Egypt B-144, 1993
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand B274(2)  TYPED B287(3)
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand – B-287 (3) ***
•    Ethno-archaeological Findings in Jharkhand  B-287 (4) ***
•    Migrations 
•    Indo-European Influence On Alpine Rock Art. B284(13) May 2011 (2000 words, 7 pages Illus)
•    North-East India Migrations. B285(29) December 2011 (1000 words)        
•    The Oraons, A Dravidian People (in No.1/19 also) B-253 (2),2001 *** 
•    Mayan Genesis. *** B-290 (5), 2016
•    Palenque. *** B-290 (6), 2016
•    Autochthonous Shiva. *** B-290 (19), 2016. See: India Cradle of Civilization- B 289 (29)
•    Origin of the European Megalithic Yard in the Indus Valley. *** B-290 (22), 2016. See: Indian Cradle of Civilization. B-289 (29)
•    Comparative Traditions or Cultural Heritage Between Jharkhand and Sri Lanka. *** B-290 (41)
•    Pre-Historicity of Jain Antiquity in India. *** B-290 (42)
•    Olmec Stone Heads in Mexico and Bayon Heads in Angkor (From Jain Perspective). *** B-290 (49)
•    Purush and Sikandar. *** B-289 (21)
•    Origin and Evolution of River Valley Cultures of Central Europe. *** B289 (28)
•    India- The Cradle of World Civilization. *** B289 (29)
•    Buddha- Jesus in India. *** B289 (32)

21. INDIA ***

•    India’s Destiny  (5 Essays)   B-243, 2000**
•    Crisis of Renascence in India  B-262 (3), 2003**
•    India Eternal and Ageless  (requires typing, Diary 51)**
•    The First Civilization – A Tribal Phenomenon (this article is my earliest thinking
•    On the foundations of Indian Civilization, August 1992) B-133 ***


•    Bandhana Porob of the Santals  B-275 (10) **
•    Buffalo, Bull and Cow  B-269 (5) **
•    Cult of the Bull  B-274 (13) ***
•    Cult of the Cow   B-277 (10) ***
•    Sacrifice of the Buffalo in the Khond festival Porho-Jatra  B-1, 1979 ***
•    Saqqara Cows (needs typing) B-262 (1)
•    Saqqara Cows B262(1) Needs Typing
•    Search for the Antler/Horned Deity  B-247 (3)**
•    The Bison-Horn Flute  B-274 (6) **
•    The Horned Deity B-278 (6) 2006 **
•    The House Mandala  B275(1) RETYPED AS B287(2)
•    The Mother Goddess and the Sacred Bull  B-269 (4) **
•    The Oldest meaning of Sohrai – cattle-catching Wealth  B-211, 1997 ***
•    The Sohrai Horse B263(9) RETYPED B287(1)


•    Catal Huyuk And The Jharkhand Villages. ***  B282(3)
•    Autochthonous Shiva. *** B-290 (19), 2016. See: India Cradle of Civilization- B 289 (29)


•    Nine Essays on the Hazaribagh Environment  B-245, 2001**
•    Ecology and Culture of Jharkhand   B-264 (5), 2003**
•    From Chotanagpore B-262 (4)
•    Save India’s Last Environment B-258 (5)
•    The Earth Mother and the Mother Earth (B-258 (4)
•    Exec.Summary of Bulu Imam’s Campaign B-280(1) *** (2008)
•    Susan Gupta’s Interview with Bulu Imam (Heinrich Boell Foundation Journal,  Berlin 2003)B-280(2) ***(2003)
•    Fighting for Flowers along the Damodar,  Anatomy of a Campaign B-280(3)*** ( Intach Journal, New Delhi, 2009) 
•    Indian National Highways Widening Project B-288 (2) ***
•    New Opencast Coal mining Destroying Tiger land B-288 (10) **
•    Need to protect Cultural and Natural Environment B-288 (8) ***
•    Growth based on GDP endangers life B-288 (14) ***
•    New Opencast Coal Mining Destroying Tigerland. B 288 (10) (Published in Polycarp Journals, London October 2012)       
•    The Environment. ***  B-290 (48)
•    Paper for Bharat Soka Gakkai Seminar, Ranchi. *** B-289 (19)
•    Threat to Society from Nuclear Arms. *** B-289 (20)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)


•    Consumerism Versus Conservation. B 282 (16) (D.A.V.School Canary Hill Workshop April 2010)                                               
•    Disappearing World. *** B 283 (22)
•    Dying Planet. *** B 283 (21)
•    Man And Nature. B 283 (24)
•    Non- Destructive Development.  ***  B 285 (40)
•    Environment
•    Importance Of Hills. B285(19) (Publ. In Dainik Jagran, Jan.20, 2012)         
•    Death Of The Commons. (Feb. 2012) B285 (32)
•    A Disappearing Tribal World. (Feb 2012) B285 (34)
•    Threatened Traditional Tribal Villages. (Feb 2012)    B285 (35)


•    End Of Eden. *** B 280 (28)
•    Highways Widening Tree Cutting. *** B 284 (2)
•    Is Such Tree Cutting Necessary. *** B 283 (18)
•    Man And Nature. ***  B 283 (24)
•    Observation. *** B 280 (4)
•    Sacred Aspect Of Trees. *** B 280 (25)
•    Why Is The Indian Model Of Development So Destructive ? B 288 (1) (August 2012)


•    Birds of Spirit – the Soul after Death    B-279 (14)
•    Celtic and Khovar  B-247 (3) 1999**
•    Connection between Jagganath Temple Puri and Silvar  in Hazaribagh B-258 (13), See B-278 (2)  
•    Diwali and Sohrai B-288 (13) ***
•    Ecological Background of Chotanagpur – Its Imbalance and Tribal Communities. (Pub. Man In India, 1991)   B-75*** (1990)
•    Folk Wisdom, Parts I & II  (written for Siddharth Kak ,Zee Films Bombay, SURBHI) B-236 1999**
•    Interview with Susan Gupta on  Hazaribagh (for Heinrich Boel Foundation , Asia-Pacific Weeks programme Berlin, 2003)  B-264 (8) ,2003***      
•    Lord Buddha in Jharkhand B 278 (2), See B 258 (13) 
•    Making History of Pre- History- a Historical Perspective of Prehistory through study of Meso-Chalcolithic paintings in Jharkhand B-288 (18) *** Valcamonica Paper
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand – B-287 (3) ***
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand B274(2) RETYPED B287(3)
•    Migrations and Autochthones of the Upper Damodar Valley  B-271 (8) 2004***                                                                          
•    Search for the Antler/Horned Deity  B-247(3) 1999**                       
•    Singbonga and the Spirit-World of the Mundas   B-247 (1) 1999**
•    Some Thoughts on the Culture of the Past  B-247 (2) 1999**
•    India in the Past. *** B-290 (21), 2016.
•    Origin of the European Megalithic Yard in the Indus Valley. *** B-290 (22), 2016.See: Indian Cradle of Civilization. B-289 (29)
•    Purush and Sikandar. *** B-289 (21)
•    Reply to Atelieretno (Valcamonica) on Rockart (Primitive Rockart). *** B289 (23)
•    Understanding Rockart in Environmental Context and in Relation to Territory (Valcamonica). *** B289 (24)
•    Origin and Evolution of River Valley Cultures of Central Europe. *** B289 (28)
•    India- The Cradle of World Civilization. *** B289 (29)
•    Buddha- Jesus in India. *** B289 (32)
•    A Stolen Generation (Diary 56/57, Nov. 2002). *** B289 (33)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Saraswati- Sacred River. ** B 289 (40)



•    Buddhist Route In Jharkhand. *** B 280 (15)
•    Dravidian- Sumerian Notes. *** B 280 (18)
•    Catal-Huyuk And Hazaribagh Villages. *** B 282 (3)
•    Indo-European Influences On Alpine Rock-Art. *** B 284 (13)
•    South Silk Road (Introduction)  (August 2012) B 288 (4)
•    India in the Past. *** B-290 (21), 2016.
•    Origin of the European Megalithic Yard in the Indus Valley. *** B-290 (22), 2016.See: Indian Cradle of Civilization. B-289 (29)
•    Comparative Traditions or Cultural Heritage Between Jharkhand and Sri Lanka. *** B-290 (41)
•    Pre-Historicity of Jain Antiquity in India. *** B-290 (42)
•    Olmec Stone Heads in Mexico and Bayon Heads in Angkor (From Jain Perspective). *** B-290 (49)
•    Purush and Sikandar. *** B-289 (21)
•    Origin and Evolution of River Valley Cultures of Central Europe. *** B289 (28)
•    India- The Cradle of World Civilization. *** B289 (29)
•    Buddha- Jesus in India. *** B289 (32)
•    A Stolen Generation (Diary 56/57, Nov. 2002) *** B 289 (33)
•    Chai-Champa of the Santals. *** B 289 (37)



•    Fusion Art Project with Italian Artist Tarshito in 2006 B-289 (14) ***  Published , Bari, Itlay 2014
•    Khovar, Art of the Marriage Season  /Sohrai, Art of the Harvest Season  B-264 (12) ( see also B-269 (2), B-259 (1), B-238 (2) 2003***
•    Living Cultural Heritage of North Karanpura Valley (Published paper for the UNESCO conference on cultural heritage, The Hague, Amsterdam, B-265 (1), May 2003)***
•    Notes for Comparative art-forms  B-264 (12) 2003 *
•    Some Thoughts on Local Artforms in the Indian Village B-265 (4) 2003**
•    The Temple  B-264 (10) 2003*
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)


•    Archaeology of Isco B-265 (10) (needs computer typing)2003**
•    Arriving in Isco B-265 (9) ( needs computer typing)2003**
•    Draft of Writ Petition for Supreme Court B-265 (11) 2003**( require typing)
•    Isco, Site for Pre-Historic rise of Civilization B-266 (1) **
•    Isco: Rise of Pre-Historic Civilization in Hazaribagh B-266 (4) **
•    Lessons of History B-265 (6) 2003 **
•    North Karanpura, a Blueprint for Archaeology B-266 (2) **
•    Proto-History, Pre-History, and Early History of Hazaribagh. B-266 (6)***
•    Report to Unesco for Declaring Isco a World Heritage Site B-266 (8) **
•    Some Thoughts on Local Artforms in Indian Villages B-265 (4) 2003**
•    The North Karanpura Heritage ** (The India Story Lecture,Russi Modi Cultural Center, Tatanagar 2004) B-265 (2) 2003**
•    The North Karanpura Valley as a Living Heritage  B-265 (1) 2003*** (Paper Presented at UNESCO conference The Hague, Amsterdam May 2003)
•    The Secret Script B-266 (3) **
•    Tribal Art, Culture and Ethnicity in Jharkhand  B-265 (3)***


•    Animals In The Rock-Art Of Hazaribagh. *** B 284(7)
•    Indo-European Influences In Alpine Rock-Art . *** B 284(13)
•    Note On Rock-Art. B 280(9)
•    Tribal Culture And Oldest Artistic Tradition In India In Jharkhand (La Sapienza, Rome, April 18, 2011) ***    B 284(7)
•    Valcamonica Rock-Art Symposium July 2011. *** B 284(3)
•    Village Painting And Rock-Art, Comparative Study. *** B 284(12) Valcamonica Symposium July 2011, Italy. 
•    Reply to Atelieretno (Valcamonica) on Rockart (Primitive Rockart). *** B289 (23)
•    Understanding Rockart in Environmental Context and in Relation to Territory (Valcamonica). *** B289 (24)



•    Adivasi Art   B-269 (2) 2004**
•    Cultural Continuity in India  B-268 (4) 2004**  
•    Diwali and Sohrai B-288 (13) ***
•    Fusion Art Project with Italian Artist Tarshito in 2006 B-289 (14) ***  Published , Bari, Itlay 2014
•    Madhubani paintings and their connections with the North Karanpura valley? (in the Isco file titled reports)   B-266 (7e)    2004**
•    Methods of Khovar and Chinese Painting    B-267 , 2004**
•    Observations of the Artistic Village  B-268 (3) 2004**
•    Rural Architecture of the Upper Damodar Valley  B-268 (1) (Int. Council on Monuments and Sites –ICOMOS, Paris World Report 2002/3, Paris) 2003**
•    Some Thoughts on Art forms in Indian Villages B-287 (5) ***
•    Some thoughts on Local artforms in the Indian village B-265 (4) 2003 ***
•    The House Mandala B-275 (1) (See No.2/18)                                                         2004***
•    The Marriage Chouk as the  House of the Goddess  B-268 (2) ** (See No.2/18)
•    Tribal Culture in Jharkhand   B-269 (1) (Folklore Research Journal, 2003)**
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Sanskriti Tribal Art Project- Testament. *** B 289 (37)



•    Village Art And Rock-Art. B 280 (14)
•    The Two Dogs In The Rig Veda. *** See B 279(14 & B273 (3), B 280 (17)
•    Art Fighting Coal Mining (Resurgence 2010, Uk) *** B 281 (2)
•    Khovar And Sohrai Artforms (July 2010) *** B 283(6)
•    Valcamonica Rockart Symposium Paper (2010) *** (July, 2011)  B 284 (3)
•    Animals In The Rock-Art Of Hazaribagh (Valcamonica) Xxx   B 284(7)
•    Tribal Culture And Oldest Artistic Tradition Of  India In Jharkhand ( La Sapienza Rome April 18, 2011)  B 284 (10)
•    Village Painting And Rockart (Valcamonica Rockart Symposium, Italy)July 2011                               B 284 (12)
•    Threatened Tribal Villages.  *** B  285 (35)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Sanskriti Tribal Art Project- Testament. *** B 289 (37)



•    Jaina and Buddhist Heritage Sites  B-270 (1) (ICOMOS, Paris, 2004) 2004***                   
•    Notes on Goddess Sarasvati in her Protozoic form  B-271 (4)  2004**(Note: See Book 4)
•    Tribal India and Sarasvati B-242 (1) 2000**
•    Sarasvati  B-240 (5) 2000**     
•    Roots of Indus  B-271 (5) 2004**
•    Migrations and Autochthones of the Upper Damodar Valley B-271 (8) 2004** (see B-240(1), B-155(1), B-278(24) See: Indoaryan and Mongoloid migrations etc. B240(1), Evolution of man in Upper  Damodar valley B-155 1993, Munda and Oraon migrations in Jharkhand 2007. B-278(24) 1993                                   
•    Propitiary Traditions in Indian Art B-271 (10) 2004***
•    Bairam Khan’s Tazia  B-271 (11) **
•    Saqqara Cows (needs typing)  B-262 (1)
•    Connection between Jagganath Temple Puri and Silvar Temple, Hazaribagh. B-258(13)***  (See Lord Buddha in Jharkhand B-278 (2) ) 
•    Jain and Buddhist Heritage Sites in North Jharkhand (Feb.2004) B-270***
•    Jain Heritage under Threat in Jharkhand and Bengal B-277(4) *** (2005)
•    Lord Buddha in Jharkhand B278 (2), See B 258 (13)
•    Anthropological Perspective of Indigenous Peoples in India        B272(1)
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand B274(2) RETYPED B287(3)
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand – B-287 (3) ***
•    Ethno-archaeological Findings in Jharkhand  B-287 (4) ***
•    Diwali and Sohrai B-288 (13) ***
•    The Buddha’s Legacy.  *** B 268 (3)
•    Fertile Crescent in South Ganga Plain. *** B-290 (46)
•    Catal Hoyuk. *** B-290 (47)
•    Reply to Atelieretno (Valcamonica) on Rockart (Primitive Rockart). *** B289 (23)
•    Understanding Rockart in Environmental Context and in Relation to Territory (Valcamonica). *** B289 (24)
•    The Green Jade Tazia of Bairam Khan. *** B289 (27)
•    Origin and Evolution of River Valley Cultures of Central Europe. *** B289 (28)
•    India- The Cradle of World Civilization. *** B289 (29)
•    Buddha- Jesus in India. *** B289 (32)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Chai-Champa of the Santals. *** B 289 (37)



•    Anthropological perspective of Indigenous Peoples in India. B-272 (1) (Note: See Bk.6 Indigenous Tribes and their Culture) 2004***
•    Threat to Elephant and Tiger Corridors along the Damodar  B-272 (2) 2004***          
•    Environmental Destruction of Upper Damodar Valley  B-272 (3) 2004** (Conference paper Damodar Bachao Seminar, Ranchi 6.12.2004)
•    Rockart Sites survey by INTACH-IGNCA January 2007 B-278 (11)
•    Birds of Spirit – The Tribal Soul after Death  B-279 (14) 2008***
•    New Opencast Coal mining Destroying Tiger land B-288 (10) **


•    Industrialization Of Food. B 283 (35)

•    Traditional Village Architecture in Hazaribagh B-278(1) 2007***
•    The Indus and the Hazaribagh Villages  B-273 (10A & 10B) 2004 *** (Pub. In Indian Architect & Builder, 2007)
•    Speech and Architecture  B-264 (4) 2003 **s
•    Criteria for Vernacular Architecture  B-274 (15) ***
•    Tribal Art, Literature and Architecture  B-273 (15) **
•    Rural Architecture of the Upper Damodar Valley  B-268 (1) **
•    The House Mandala  B-275 ( Note: See No. 2/15)    **
•    Marriage Chouk as the House of the Goddess B-268(2)    (See Note  No.2/15)  ***  See The House Diary 56-57
•    Indigenous Architecture in Hazaribagh B-275(9) 
•    Celebrating the Ecological Perfection of the Indian village B-261(9) (SURBHI)2000*** 
•    Some Thoughts on Art forms in Indian Villages B-287 (5) ***
•    Alternative Vernacular Housing. *** B-289 (25)



•    Post-Architectural Habitat In Context Of Global Warming. ***  B 282 (2) (B.I.T.Mesra Seminar, October 2009) 



•    Birds of Spirit – The Tribal Soul after Death B-279(14) 
•    Tribals and Birds   B-253 (6)   **
•    Socio-Religious Roots of Indian Culture  B-253 (1)(to be typed)  **      NEEDS TYPING  The Oraons, A Dravidian People  (to be typed) B-253(2) (See No. NEEDS TYPING  - 8A,.243(2),253(2)274(1&2 )260(1)); B288(8); B280(18)  **
•    Attack on the Culture of the Old World (Diary 53 requires typing) *NEEDS TYPING
•    India – Eternal and Ageless (Diary 51, requires typing) ** NEEDS TYPING
•    Culture of India (Diary 56, requires typing)* NEEDS TYPING
•    Archaeological History of Jharkhand (Diary 63, requires typing)** NEEDS TYPING
•    Indo Aryan migrations  and culture contacts with Kol and
•    Mongoloid tribes in Northeast. B-240*** (See 8A)  
•    Anthropological perspective of Indigenous Peoples in India  B272(1)
•    Ethno-archaeological Findings in Jharkhand  B-287 (4) ***


•    Antiquarian Remains in Jharkhand and Bengal  B-263(2)*** (2003)
•    Buddha lived among the Aboriginals of Jharkhand B-278 (2)***
•    Crisis of Renascence in India  B-262(3)**
•    Diwali and Sohrai B-288 (13) ***
•    Ethno-archaeological Findings in Jharkhand  B-287 (4) ***
•    Evolution of Man in the Upper Damodar valley B-155, 1993***                                         
•    Forests of the Buddha  B-249***
•    Indo-Aryan and Mongoloid migrations and contact with Mundaic tribes etc. B-240(1) 2000**
•    Itkhouri and Kolhua Pahar  B-278(3)*** (2005)
•    Jain and Buddhist Heritage Sites ( Icomos, Paris) B-270(1) ***(2004)
•    Jain Heritage Under Threat in Jharkhand and Bengal B-277(4)*** (2005)
•    Jesus and Buddha same person B-271(6) 2004***
•    Jesus in India B-271 (9) 2004***
•    Jharkhand Pre-history and Foundations of India’s Pre-history B-279(11)                                                                                                                     
•    Jharkhand Prehistory and Foundations of India’s Prehistory B-279(11) (2008)
•    Lord  Buddha in Hazaribagh B-232(1)***
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand – B-287 (3) ***
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand B274(2) RETYPED B287(3)
•    Migrations and Autochthones of Upper Damodar Valley B-271(8) 2004***
•    Munda and Oraon Migrations in Jharkhand B-278 (24)***
•    Pre-Historic and Proto-Historic Culture of India  B- cannot find see Diaries ??
•    The Buddha’s Legacy  B-263(8)***
•    The Mutiny  B-276 (2) 2005
•    The Road B-276(1) 2005***
•    Buddha- Jesus in India. *** B289 (32)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Chai-Champa of the Santals. *** B 289 (37)

41. ESSAYS **

•    Seven Essays for a Book publication. B-228(1) 1998***
•    The need for a Renascence in Indian Culture
•    Consultation on indigenous peoples in World Bank
•    World Bank’s Initiation into Cultural Heritage
•    Ecology Notes – State Versus Village
•    The Religious Roots of Hinduism  B-226(2)*** 1998
•    Development and Globalization B251****
•    My thoughts at  the close of the millennium B252(6),B248(1)***
•    Extinctions. *** B-290 (1), 2016
•    Wake-up-Call on Earthday. *** B-290 (2), 2016
•    Understanding Global Warming- A Guide. *** B-290 (3), 2016
•    Tracking the Weather. *** B-290 (4), 2016
•    Economics and Happiness. *** B-290 (7), 2016
•    Economics and Sanity. *** B-290 (8), 2016
•    Democracy and Capitalism. *** B-290 (9), 2016
•    Redressing the Gap between Rights and Resources. *** B-290 (13), 2016
•    Fossil Fuel Extraction Extinction. *** B-290 (15), 2016
•    I have a hundred diaries… *** B-290 (17), 2016
•    Global Warming- 2. *** B-290 (23), 2016
•    Climate Warning. *** B-290 (25), 2016
•    Victims of Climate Change. *** B-290 (26), 2016
•    Holocaust. *** B-290 (27), 2016
•    Mother Earth. *** B-290 (28), 2016
•    Climate Warning- Lifeboat Polish. *** B-290 (29), 2016
•    Warming- Where. *** B-290 (30), 2016
•    Eighty Four Years. *** B-290 (31), 2016
•    The Titanic. *** B-290 (32), 2016
•    Extreme Weather Related Costs. *** B-290 (33), 2016
•    Gaia is Brahman. *** B-290 (37), 2016
•    Challenge to Address Climate Change. *** B-290 (38), 2016
•    A Stolen Generation (Facebook memory). *** B-290 (40), 2016
•    Advent of Indians in Australia. *** B-290 (43), 2016
•    The Environment. ***  B-290 (48)
•    Address on Centenary of Patna High Court on Syed Hasan Imam. (Obituary) April, 2015 *** B289 (26)
•    The Green Jade Tazia of Bairam Khan. *** B289 (27)
•    The Need for a New Humanism. *** B289 (30)
•    Demystification of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. *** B289 (31)
•    A Stolen Generation (Diary 56/57, Nov. 2002) *** B 289 (33)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)
•    Khovar- Sohrai Murals- Contact with Nature. *** B 289 (36)
•    Sanskriti Tribal Art Project- Testament. *** B 289 (37)
•    Walden Pond. ** B 289 (39)
•    Saraswati- Sacred River. ** B 289 (40)


(from Diary 44 required to be Typed)**

•    Reality
•    Threat of Government
•    Predatory Allies
•    Tribal Persistence
•    Traditional Learning
•    These are my Fears
•    Modern Impacts on Tribal Economy
•    The Tribal Trance
•    Tribal Sources of the Epics


•    Babulal, Portrait of a Birhor Medicine-man.  Publ. Man in India, also in my book The Birhors)
•    Diwali and Sohrai B-288 (13) ***
•    Foundations of Jharkhand Pre-History B-279 (11)***
•    Hazaribagh B-278(4)***
•    Itkhouri and Kolhua Pahar    B-278(3)*** (2005)
•    Jarwadih, A Santal Village  B-278 (30)***
•    Juliet and I among the Oraons  B-15  (Publ. in Probe, 1980s)**
•    Kamli, Portrait of a Birhor Medicine-Woman (Publ. Man in India, also in my book The Birhors)
•    Lord Buddha in Hazaribagh B-232 (1) ***
•    Lord Buddha Lived among the Kols or Aboriginals of Jharkhand.  B-278 (2) ***
•    Proto-History, Pre-History and Early History of Hazaribagh B-266(6)
•    Sanjhlu and I   ( to be typed) B-252-5 , 2001***
•    Sanjhlu, Portrait of a Santal Shikari  (from my book on the Santals)**
•    The Buddha’s Legacy. ***   B 268 (3)
•    The Ecological Necessity of Living Simply B-99
•    The Mutiny B-276 (2)
•    The Road  B-276 (1) 2005
•    The Tribal Woman in India’s Quest B-209 (2) (publ. in The Eye, 1990s)
•    Threats to Cultural Continuity in Hazaribagh B-279 (3) *** (2008) (Paper presented at Vicino Lontano Cultural assocn, Udine Italy, May 16, 2008)
•    Tiger Pool, a lost Picnic spot  B-277(31)***
•    Traditional Village Architecture in Hazaribagh  B-278 (1) 2007
•    Visit to Dato  B-4  (Publ. in Probe, 1980s)**
•    Sanskriti Tribal Art Project- Testament. *** B 289 (37)


•    Hazaribagh. *** B 280(19)
•    Tagore’s Gitanjali. ***  B 282(20)
•    Tagore In Hazaribagh. *** B 282(20)
•    Rabindranath, Leonard And Dorothy. *** B 281(17)
•    Hazaribagh, Its Importance In Jharkhand. *** B 283(25)
•    The Buddha’s Legacy. B 268 (3)

•    Munda and Oraon Migrations in Jharkhand and Megaliths B-278(24) 2007***
•    Tribal Travel Diary June 2007 B-278 (20)***
•    South Jharkhand Researches  July 2007 B-278(28)***
•    Kunjaba Visit May 2007  B-278 (16) sojourn in a tribal village***
•    Kunjaba Visit June 2006  B278 (18)  sojourn in a tribal village in south Ranchi***
•    Ethnoarchaeological findings in South and North Jharkhand B-239 (3)(4)  2000*** 
•    A Search for the Lost Tradition  B-278 (7)***
•    Oraon and Munda Migrations in Jharkhand   B-278 (19)***
•    Jharkhand’s Importance for Modern Art  B-279(13)*** (CARDS Annual Journal , Ranchi 2008)
•    Vision for Jharkhand B-279(3)***
•    The Asurs in Chotanagpore ( To be typed) B-152


•    The Road. B-276 (1) 2004-5***
•    Mutiny. B-276(2) 2004-5*** 


•    Sacrifice of the Damodar   B-278(6) **
•    Tiger Pool- Death of a River   B-277(31)***
•    Process of Cultural Change in Damodar valley B-273(8)** (paper  for BIT Mesra Conference Art & Archaeology of Eastern India, Feb.2005)
•    The North Karanpura Valley as Living Heritage B-265(1) **\(presented at UNESCO conference, The Hague,Amsterdam,May 2003)
•    The India Story lecture (Lecture at Russi Modi Center for Excellence, Tatanagar) B-265(2)***
•    Report on North Karanpura Valley (ICOMOS) B-259(4) **
•    Doom of Jharkhand – Damodar Valley  B-258(11) **
•    Misuse of DVC   B-258(10) **
•    Damodar Valley B-258(9) **
•    Damodar Valley Civilization B-258(3)**
•    Overview of the North Karanpura Valley for Coal Mining. B-149, 1993**
•    Threat to Tiger and Elephant Corridors along the Damodar  B-272(2), 2004**
•    Environmental Destruction of Upper Damodar Valley B-272(3) 2004 **
•    Evolution of Man in the Upper Damodar Valley B-155, 1993 ***
•    Migrations and Autochthones of the Upper Damodar Valley B-271(8) 2004 ***
•    The Asurs in Chotanagpore (to be typed)  B-152 ***
•    Connection between the North Karanpura Valley and Egypt B-144, 1993 **
•    Oraon and Munda Migrations in Jharkhand B-278 (19) **
•    Munda and Oraon Migrations in India and Megaliths B-278 (24), 2007 ***
•    Indo-Aryan and Mongoloid Migrations and contact with Mundaic Tribes.B-240 (1), 2000 **
•    Antiquarian Remains in Jharkhand  and Bengal B-263(2) *** (2003)
•    Jain Heritage under threat in Jharkhand and Bengal    B-277(4)*** (2005)
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand B274(2) RETYPED B287(3)
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand – B-287 (3) ***
•    Ethno-archaeological Findings in Jharkhand  B-287 (4) ***
•    New Opencast Coal mining Destroying Tiger land B-288 (10) **


•    A Report From Practically Nowhere. September 2011. B285(16)  (outline for film on mining displacement and heritage loss)


•    Aboriginal Hunger . *** B 283(20)
•    Coal India.B 284(9)
•    Cycle Coal Carriers In Karanpura.  B 284(5)      
•    Fighting For Flowers Along The Damodar (INTACH Journal Version 2009) B- 280(20)
•    Fighting For Flowers Along The Damodar . *** B 280 (3)


•    Threat to Tiger and Elephant Corridors along the Damodar  B-272(2)*** ( 2004)
•    Elephant Corridors, Tribal Lands and forests  B-275 (8) **
•    Elephant Corridors  B-275 (12) **
•    Human Intervention in Wildlife Corridors (Pub. In CHEETAL) B-273 (1) **
•    Threat to Elephant Corridors along the Damodar B-258 (8) **
•    Palamau-Latehar wildlife Corridor B-278(21)**
•    New Opencast Coal mining Destroying Tiger land B-288 (10) **


•    Wild Buffaloes In Bilaspur Range. *** B 280(13)
•    Community Conservation Areas. *** B 280(29)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)


•    Aberrant Civilization B-288 (11) *** Polycarp Journals 
•    Active Intellectual Satyagraha  B-152
•    Democracy  B-230 (1)  **
•    Development and Globalization B-251 ****
•    Development and Tribals in Jharkhand(pub. Journal of Social Anthrop.  New Delhi) B-276(9)***                          
•    Development from Within    B-278 (15) **
•    Globalization B-248 (2) **
•    Growth based on GDP endangers life B-288 (14) ***
•    Identity  B-231 (2) **
•    Industrial Economy versus Agricultural Culture   B-279 (8) ***
•    Modern India and the Culture of Poverty  B-263 (6) **
•    Native People Speak (Publ. Sacred Sites Intl. Newsletter) B-248 (3) ****
•    Need to protect Cultural and Natural Environment B-288 (8) ***
•    Neo-Liberism- Quo Vadis India? B-289 (7) ***
•    Note on Gandhi and his Asrams  B-163, 1993 ***
•    Renascence in Culture   B-277 (7) ***
•    The Art of Tea in China  B-273 (9) **
•    The Oldest Meaning of Sohrai – Cattle Catching Wealth, B-211 (1997)*** (Lecture at National Centre for Performing Arts,Mumbai 1997)
•    The Story of Kiki – a Tribal Story  B-186 (1996)**
•    The Times we live in     B-279 (2) **
•    The Tribal World in Seasons  B-167 , 1994 **
•    The Triumph of India  B-230 (2) ***
•    Threats to Tribal India  B-278 (13) ***
•    Violence   B-231 (3) **
•    Vision for Jharkhand   B-279 (3) **
•    Work, Life, and Development  B-230 (3) **


•    Human Nature. B282(19)
•    Western World Wide Domination. *** B 282(18)
•    Economics In The Modern World.  B 283(1)
•    Jungle Memories (July 2010). *** B 283(5)
•    Quit India And Gandhi. *** B 283(7)
•    Gandhian Model Of Endogenous Development. (Rotary Club Lecture, Bokaro July 2010) *** B 283(12)
•    Solving The Human Quandry.  (Oct.2010) B 283(29)
•    Religious Evolution In India. (Oct.2010) B 283(32)
•    Human Civilization – An Evolutionary Hypothesis.  (Oct.2010)  B283(33)
•    A New View Of Evolution Of Civilization. (Oct.2010) B 283(34)
•    Intellectual Satyagraha  -2 *** B 284(14)
•    Intellectual Satyagraha . B 283(4)
•    Growth  -- At What Cost ?     B 284(15)
•    Mind, Instinct, Intellect (Polycarp Journals) ***  B 284(17)
•    Development And Tribals In Modern India. *** B 284(18)
•    The Playing Field. *** B 284(19)
•    Doomed Planet, Doomed Race. *** B 284(20)
•    Heaven. *** B 284(21)
•    Altheia. ***   B285 (33)
•    Monolinguistics And Monoculturalism Versus Vernacular Languages   ***   B285 (36)
•    The Need For A New Consciousness    ***   B286 (1)
•    The Strength Of A Nation And Its Dying – India    ***     B 286 (2)
•    What Constitutes World Heritage ?  ***   B 286 (3)
•    Causes Of Systemic Failure In Society   ***  B 286 (4)
•    Schizophrenia.  ***   B 286 (5)       
•    The Greatest Danger To Tribal Life (See B 287 (9) (July 2012) B 286 (8)
•    Threat To The Tribal World In Modern India. (See B 287 (8) ) (August 2012)                                                          B 286 (9)
•    Need For A New Consciousness For Saving The Environment ( Dav School)    *** B 286 (7)
•    Aberrant Civilization  (October 2012) B 288 (11)
•    My House (October 2012)  B 288 (12)
54. TRIBAL - Rockart

•    Puja at Thethangi Rockart    B-278 (8) ***
•    The Tana Bhagats         B-278 (14) **
•    Tribal art, Culture and Ethnicity in Jharkhand  B-265 (3) **
•    Rain-Snake  B-250 (5) **
•    Tribes and Non-Tribes  B-250 (6)**
•    Note on Birhor, Santal, and other tribes  (SURBHI) B-241 (4) 2000**
•    Sidpa Mauryan Site and Tribal Durga B-239 (2) **2000, see B-239(1)Sidpa  
•    Tribal Durga ( to be typed)B-274 (7) **
•    Tribal Durga (to be typed)   B-229 (2)  1999 **
•    Foundations of Indian Religion  -  a Socio-cultural survey through Rock –Paintings  B-234 (3) **
•    Kuri and Palti dances of Australian Aborigionals  B-232 (2)**
•    The Asurs in Chotanagpore ( to be typed) B-153, 1993 ***
•    Birds of Spirit – the Tribal Soul after Death  B-279 (14)**
•    Some Thoughts on Rockart (Man In India 2003)  B-253(3)  (2003)***
•    On Rockart (Man in India 2003)    B -            ***                             ?
•    Cultural Spatial Concepts Implicit in Tribal Art and Identity B-122(2) ** (1992)  (Pub. In INDICA,Heras Inst.,St.Xaviers Bombay,  Man in India 1993)
•    Tribal Heritage, B274 (14), 2005
•    The Tribal in Modern India B-288 (5) ***
•    Making History of Pre- History- a Historical Perspective of Prehistory through study of Meso-Chalcolithic paintings in Jharkhand B-288 (18) *** Valcamonica Paper
•    Musahars and Saperwas B-289 (8) ***


•    Note On Rock-Art. B 280(9)
•    Valcamonica Rock-Art Symposium July 2011. *** B 284(3)
•    Animals In The Rock-Art Of Hazaribagh. *** B 284(7)
•    Village Painting And Rock-Art, Comparative Study, Valcamonica Symposium July 2011, Italy. *** B 284(12)
•    Tribal Culture And Oldest Artistic Tradition In India In Jharkhand (La Sapienza, Rome, April 18, 2011) ***  B 284(7)
•    Indo-European Influences In Alpine Rock-Art. *** B 284(13)


•    Ancient Indian Communities and Yajna B-275 (6)***
•    The Sramana Tradition  B-277 (28)***
•    Classification of Hindu Caste Structure  B-258 (1)**
•    Aryan Sun, Tribal Tree, Origin of Yuga and Buddhism B-220 (3)**
•    Oraon and Munda Migrations in Jharkhand  B-278 (19) 2007 **
•    Oraon and Munda Migrations in Jharkhand and Megaliths. B-278 (24) 2007***
•    Indo-Aryan and Mongoloid migrations and Contact with Mundaic Tribes. B-240 (1) 2000**
•    Mayan Genesis. ***B-290 (5), 2016. See: Indian Cradle of Civilization. B-289 (29)
•    Palenque. *** B-290 (6), 2016.                         ‘
•    Autochthonous Shiva. ***B-290 (19), 2016. See: Indian Cradle of Civilization. B-289 (29)
•    India in the Past. *** B-290 (21), 2016.
•    Origin and Evolution of River Valley Cultures of Central Europe. *** B289 (28)
•    India- The Cradle of World Civilization. *** B289 (29)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)
•    Saraswati- Sacred River. ** B 289 (40)


•    Bioprofile of Bulu Imam  B-234 (2)  1999 **
•    My Work. (Outline for film suggested by Maneka Gandhi) B-147 April 1993**
•    Bulu Imam – Bioprofile of an Environmentalist  ( written for Maneka Gandhi)   B-148 April 1993**   
•    Bio-Data  ( in biodata file)
•    Survey of North Karanpura Valley Campaign (Goldman Prize) B-277(3) ( 2006)***
•    Executive Summary of Bulu Imam’s Campaign B-280(1)*** (2008)
•    Fighting for Flowers along the Damodar (Intach Journal 2009) B-280(3)***
•    Susanne Gupta’s Interview with Bulu Imam (Heinrich Boell Foundation, Berlin, Asia-Pacific Weeks 2003)  B-280(2) (2003)***
•    My life Today B-277(21) ***(2005)


•    Susanne Gupta’s Berlin Interview For Art Asia Pacific. ***   B 280(2)
•    Executive Summary Ogf Bulu Imam’s Campaign. ***  B 280(1)


•    A Short Note on the Megaliths of South Jharkhand B274(2) RETYPED 287(3) (Same as B-239(3) **      
•    Background of Ethno-archaeological findings in Chatra and Hazaribagh B-274 (1) **
•    Ethno-archaeological findings in Hazaribagh  B239 (4) **
•    Megaliths of South Bihar  (to be typed) B-258 (6)** not so important
•    Megaliths of South Jharkhand – B-287 (3) ***
•    Oraon and Munda Migrations in Jharkhand and Megaliths B-278 (24)  2007***
•    The Arrow and the Jewel – Study of Megaliths B-206, 1996 ***

•    Megalithic Stone Sculpture In Hazaribagh. B 280(21)


•    Birds, A Magic in Plurals B-277(25)***   
•    Birhor Folk Stories (in Tribal Tales book) B-277(8) ***
•    Earliest Script found in Hazaribagh Rock Painting (1999)B-35(2)***
•    Fighting for Flowers along the Damodar (INTACH Journal, New Delhi 2009)B-280(3)***
•    Film Project Outline for Vijay Kutty B-234(5)*** (1999)
•    Genesis Legend of the Mundas (in Tribal Tales book)  B-277(6) ***
•    Gold and Silver in India Among Tribal Societies B-205**
•    Gond Genesis Legend (in Tribal Tales book) B-274(11) ***
•    How Birds and Animals go their names B-277(26) ***     
•    India’s Quest (Publ. Eye Magazine, New Delhi ,Jan. 1997)B-209(1)**
•    Indian Dog first in world B-278(23)***
•    Indian Painting (Book) 2007 B-278(5)***
•    Indigenous Architecture in Hazaribagh B-275(9)***
•    Indira and Viritra –The Rainbow Serpent in the Rig Veda B-273(6)***
•    Interview with Susanne Gupta (Heinrich Boel Conference,Berlin 2003) B- 280(2)***
•    Jaina Heritage in Jharkhand and Bengal B-277(23)***
•    Johar –Territories of the Sacred B-279(16)***
•    Karam Kahani (in Tribal Tales book) B-275(5) ***
•    Mama’s Six Animal Stories (to be published,top, Godrej No.7) B-277(30)***
•    Mauri  B-279(4)**
•    New Folk Tales B-277(27)
•    Old British Graveyard B-279(1)*** 
•    Oraon Genesis Legend (in Tribal Tales Book) B-238(3)***
•    Paharia    B-279(21)**
•    Proprietary Traditions B-271(10)**
•    Protecting Biolcultural Diversity B-234**
•    Renascence in Culture  B-276(5)***
•    Response to Rabindranath’s poems B-277(5)***
•    Root is the Fruit of the Forest ( first chapter in Birhor book) B-273(5)***
•    Singbonga and the Spirit-World of the Mundas B-278(10)***
•    Some Myths of Chotanagpore Re-visited ( in Tribal Tales book) B-274(9)***      
•    Some Myths of Chotanagpur re-visited B-274(9)***
•    Sustainable Development B-146**
•    Telkupi Jain Temples B-277(24)***
•    The Birth of Writing    ?**
•    The Invaders  B-278(17)**
•    The Meriah Post B-276(8)***
•    The Santal Hound B-279(6)*** (for the Indog website in Bombay) 
•    Thoughts in Troubled Times B-278(22)**
•    Threats to Cultural Continuity in Hazaribagh B-279(1) (presented at Vicino Lontano Cultural Conference, Udine, Italy on 16 May 2008)B-279(10***
•    Tribal Rights and Terrorism (1999) B-235(1)***
•    Tribal Songs of Hazaribagh (Book) B-275(7)***
•    Tribal Tales (Introduction to Folk Tales of Hazaribagh) B-277(19)**
•    Turi Genesis Legend (in Tribal Tales book) B-274(10) ***
•    Two Birds and the Tree from the Rig Veda, Upanisads   B-273(4)***
•    Two Dogs –notes from the Rig Veda  B-273(3)***
•    Udine-Rome Report B-279(17)


•    Anthropological Perspective Of Indigenous Peoples. *** B 272(1)
•    Memory Of John Moore.  B 280(16)  
•    Intellectual Satyagraha. *** 283(4)
•    Intellectual Satyagraha – 2. B 284 (14)
•    Origin and Evolution of River Valley Cultures of Central Europe. *** B289 (28)



•    Rabindranath, Leonard Xand Dorothy. *** B 281(17)
•    Primal Religion (Mangalore Theology Seminar 2010). *** B 282(10)
•    Maoist Notes. B 282(12)
•    The Adivasis Are The Victims. B 282(12)
•    Vision For Jharkhand. B 282(12)
•    Western World-Wide Domination. *** B 282(18)
•    Maluti Temples. *** B 286  (6)
•    Need For A New Consciousness For Saving The Environment D.A.V.School Lecture – See B 284(8) B-286  (7)
•    The Greatest Danger To Tribal Life. (July 2012) B-286 (8). See B-287(9).
•    Threat To The Tribal In Modern India. (August 2012) B-286 (9). See B-287 (8)
•    KoyanaQatsi. *** B289 (22)
•    Address on Centenary of Patna High Court on Syed Hasan Imam. (Obituary) April, 2015 *** B289 (26)
•    The Green Jade Tazia of Bairam Khan. *** B289 (27)
•    Walden Pond. ** B 289 (39)
•    Saraswati- Sacred River. ** B 289 (40)



•    Climate Change. B 280(27)
•    Eco-Catastrophe. B 280(30)
•    Crimes Against Humanity. B 280(31)
•    Carbon Dioxide And Global Warming. B280(32)
•    The Indian Village Model And Global Warming. B280(33)
•    The End Of The World: Essays On Global Warming. B 281(1)
•    Politics Of Climate Change. B 281(4)
•    Global Warming And The Environment. B 281(5)
•    Global Warming And Wildlife. B 281(6). (Cheetal Journal)
•    Threats From Global Warming. B 281(7)
•    Global Warming Notes. B 281(8)
•    Global Warming Facts Sheet. B 281(10)
•    India’s Low Carbon Footprint Fallacy. B 281(11)
•    Rotary Club Ranchi Lecture (Rotary North, Lifetime Achievement Award Acceptance Speech) *** B 281(12)
•    The Importance Of 350 Ppm. B-281(13)
•    Reason For Government Secrecy And Denial Of Climate Change.                                                             B-281(15)
•    Global Warming – Choices And Options. *** B 281(16)
•    Global Warming – A Fable. *** B 281(18)
•    350 Briefings. *** B 282(4)
•    Concentrated Solar Power (Csp). ***  B 282(5)
•    Lecture On Global Warming. B 282(7) (Powerpoint Presentation At St Xavier’s School, Bokaro).
•    Global Warming – Deniers And Delayers. ***B 281(8)
•    Rise Of Earthquakes Due To Global Warming. *** B 281(11)
•    Global Warming Notes. *** B 283(2)
•    Water And Food In The Context Of Climate Change. *** B 283(9)
•    Environmental Calamities. B 283(13)
•    Opinion For 350 Carbon Outlook E-Site. B 283(19)
•    350.Org Highways. B 283 (20a)
•    Global Warming For Schools. B 283(23)
•    Global Warming Conference, London ( Paper). B 283(4)
•    Post Architectural Habitat In Context Of Global Warming. B 282(2) (B.I.T.Mesra Seminar) 
•    Happy New Year And Here Comes The Bad News.  B285 (23)
•    Carbon Time Bomb In The Arctic. B 285 (24)
•    Implications Of Climate Change And Global Warming. B 285 (25)
•    Implications Of Global Warming And Climate Change. B 285 (25)
•    Post-Architectural Habitat In Context Of Global Warming. B 282 (2)
•    Crisis Guide : Climate Change. B 288 (15) (November 2012)
•    Climate Change. *** B 290 (10), 2016
•    Fracking Shale for Oil and Oil from Tar Sand. ***  B-290 (11), 2016
•    Alberta Tar Sand Mining. ***  B-290 (14), 2016
•    Climate Change and Collapse in Three Years. *** B 290 (16), 2016
•    Global Warming. ***  B-290 (20), 2016
•    The Environment. ***  B-290 (48)
•    Threat to Society from Nuclear Arms. *** B-289 (20)
•    KoyanaQatsi. *** B289 (22)



•    Growth – At What Cost. B-284(15) June 2011 (1500 Words)     
•    Development And Tribals In Modern India. B-284(18)  July 2011 (4500 Words)                                                    
•    The Playing Field. B-2849(19)  July 2011 (4500 Words)                   
•    Hope For Our Common Future. B-285(13)  Aug.2011 
•    Doomed Planet, Doomed Race. B-284(20)  July 2011 (2500 Words)
•    Natural Capital. B285(12) (Dav School Seminar Topic) August 2011 (2000 Words)  
•    Destroying Survival Resources Of  Indigenous Peoples. B285(14)  August 2011 (3000 Words) 
•    Industrialism. B285(15) September 2011 (2000 Words)
•    Urbanization And Economic Growth. B285(18) (Paper For The Proceedings Of The India Urban Conference: Evidence And Experience, Mysore Nov 17-2-, 2011) (2000 Words)                            
•    Trying To Understand The Present Difficulties Facing Mankind. B285(20) December 2011 (1200 Words)
•    Who Are The Indigenous Peoples Of India ? B285(26)  January 2012 (1500 Words)  
•    Cecil Rhodes, Imperialism And Empire. B285(30) Jan.2012 (2000 Words)      

•    The Difference Between An Evolved State And A Developed State. B285(31) January 2012 (1500 Words)      
•    Death Of The Commons. B285(35)  February 2012 (1500 Words        
•    The Need for a New Humanism. *** B289 (30)
•     Demystification of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. *** B289 (31)



•    Diary Of Europe Tour 22 March-25 April 2011. B-284 (16) May 2011 (3000 Words)
•    A Visit To Archaeological Sites In Wiltshire. B-285 (28)  January 2012   


•    Diary Of Europe – Uk Trip March 2011. B 284 (16)
•    Visit To Archaeological Sites In Wiltshire. B 285 (28)


•    Mind, Instinct, Intellect. B284(17) (Publ. in Desert Wisdom Series, Polycarp Journals, London 2011)   June 2011 (2500 words)        
•    Intellectual Satyagraha-2. B284(14) May 2011  (3000 words)      
•    KoyanaQatsi. *** B289 (22)
•    The Need for a New Humanism. *** B289 (30)
•    Demystification of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. *** B289 (31)
•    Buddha- Jesus in India. *** B289 (32)
•    Review of Kalidasas Image of Nature by M.Fahimudin. *** B289 (34)
•    Walden Pond. *** B 289 (39)


•    Heaven. ***  B284(21) July 2011             
•    Hope For Our Common Future. *** B285(13) August 2011    
•    Whither India  ?  ***  B285(21) December 2011           
•    Happiness And Contentment.  *** B285(22)  December 2011               
•    Happy New Year And Here Comes The Bad News. ***  B285(23) January 2012
•    Modern Economics. B285(27)  January 2012 
•    A Visit To Archaeological Sites In Wiltshire. B285(28) January 2012
•    Aletheia. B285(17)  January 2011   (1000 Words)                                             
•    Hope For Our Common Future. B285(13)    August 2011                            
•    Understanding Neoliberalism. B 285 (37)  


•    A Report From Practically Nowhere. September 2011. B285(16) (outline for film on mining displacement and heritage loss)


•    Carbon Time-Bomb In The Arctic   January 2012, 1000 Words. B285(24)
•    Implications Of Global Warming And Climate Change. B285(25) January 2012  (1200 Words) 
•    Happy New Year And Here Comes The Bad News. B-285(23) January 2012         
•    Climate Change. ***  B-290 (10), 2016
•    Fracking Shale for Oil and Oil from Tar Sand. ***  B-290 (11), 2016
•    The Bitterest Truth. ***  B-290 (12), 2016
•    Alberta Tar Sand Mining. ***  B-290 (14), 2016
•    Fossil Fuel Extraction Extinction. ***  B-290 (15), 2016
•    Climate Change and Collapse in Three Years. ***  B-290 (16), 2016
•    Global Warming. ***  B-290 (16), 2016
•    Climate Change and Collapse in Three Years. *** B 290 (16), 2016
•    Global Warming. ***  B-290 (20), 2016
•    Threat to Society from Nuclear Arms. *** B-289 (20)


•    Notes on Imam Family Tree B-288 (3) *** (August 2012)


(Essays, some original and not numbered in the B-Files, in Brown folder in B-285. Below they are noted under the Book’s Chapter headings)

Part 1:  ENQUIRY









Ch.:10 TRIBAL STATUS IN INDIA                B-










Ch.19:  SANJHLU AND I    B-



Ch. :22  TIGER POOL    B-


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